1Mrs K.Sri Durga, 2Dr. A.V.N. Murty, 3Dr Abhilasha Singh Raghav, 4Dr. Prity Purushottam Patil, 5Chandan Kumar Mohapatra

1Research Scholar, Department Of Management Studies, Kl University

2Professor, K.L.E.F Deemed University

3Ass. Professor & Hod Deptt. Of Business Management, Himcs (Sharda Group Of Institutions) Farah, Nh -2

4Assistant Professor , Department Of Sociology, -Pgtd Department Of Sociology, Gondwana University, Gadchirolipin-442650

5Faculty Associate, Kiit University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

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Homelessness persists as a social problem that affects the populace due to economic fluctuations, housing accessibility, and discrimination. This paper aims to discuss the role of social support systems for the homeless with a focus on interventions and their results. The paper uses questionnaires, interviews, and case studies to analyze the demographic characteristics of the homeless population, the reasons for homelessness, and the effectiveness of current interventions. Research shows that economic fluctuation is the leading cause, further worsened by issues in housing costs and racism. The comparative evaluation also shows that Housing First interventions are more effective in providing lasting housing for homeless people than the shelter-first model. While there were improvements in the areas of providing shelters and healthcare, there are still issues regarding the lack of proper linkages between services and lack of adequate employment that continue to trap people into homelessness. Policy implications suggest that more funding should be allocated to affordable housing, higher levels of support services, and better collaboration between agencies to address these issues. In this way, the identified problems can be solved more effectively, and the necessary interventions can be made for the improvement of the situation with homeless people.

Keywords: Homelessness, Social support systems, Housing First, Intervention effectiveness, Affordable housing


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