1Dr. Rekha 2Chandra Mani, 3Dr. Vivek Narayanan, 4Dr. Vimala Haribabu, 5Dr. Prem Blaisie Rajula

Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry, SRM Kattankulathur Dental College and Hospital, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, India. 

Dean, SRM Kattankulathur Dental College and Hospital, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, India.

Principal and Professor, The Government Pudukottai Dental College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu, India.

Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontics, SRM Kattankulathur Dental College and Hospital, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, India

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Background: The novel concept of brainwave entrainment (BWE) has found valuable applications in patients with ADHD, chronic pain, sleep disorders, stress, anxiety, drug addiction etc. However, most existing studies on BWE highlight an increase in the relative power of the applied frequency (alpha/theta/delta) compared to baseline EEG readings, which does not demonstrate an actual entrainment effect. Researches, aiming at precisely synchronizing brainwave frequencies with specific frequencies delivered through sensory stimulation and establishment of time required for the same are important for translation of BWE to clinics.

Materials and Methods: This study was conducted among ten consenting participants. Initial resting state EEG was assessed in all participants followed by application of audiovisual stimulation using an entrainment device (David delight plus, Mind Alive Inc. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). The entrainment frequencies include alpha (10 Hz), theta (5.5 Hz), and delta (1 Hz).

Results: In all participants, audiovisual stimulation resulted in occurrence of the corresponding frequency brainwaves in parietal and occipital cortices. The mean time required for occurrence was 1.39 minutes for alpha group, 2.27 minutes for theta group and 3.0 minutes for delta group.

Conclusion: Determining the frequency and timeframe of BWE are crucial for optimizing its application in clinical and therapeutic settings.

Keywords: Brainwaves, brainwave entrainment, alpha, theta, delta


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