1Dr. Singarayar Britto, 2Dr. Mayura Bijale, 3Dr Prashant

1Associate Professor Department of Sociology and Social Work, Bule Hora University, Bule Hora Ethiopia

2Assistant Professor, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India


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Climate change influences the use of agricultural land in vulnerable regions including Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America. This research seeks to evaluate the impacts of climate change on agricultural production systems based on specific cases and trends. This paper gives results on temperature and precipitation data revealing that the climate has changed and is causing fluctuations in the yields of crops, availability of water, and pastures. Some examples from different regions of the world show how local people have responded to climate change, for instance through modification of cropping practices, conservation of water, and use of resistant varieties. Adaptive capacity and resilience are deemed to be influenced by socio-economic factors, policies, and indigenous knowledge. These findings suggest that there is a need to adopt interdisciplinary approaches to research that combine both scientific and indigenous knowledge to enhance the abilities to make agriculture more resilient and to ensure that proper management of the land is done about climate change. Therefore, the findings of this research contribute to the literature on the impact of climate change on agriculture and provide policy and research implications for policymakers, scholars, and other stakeholders who are concerned with sustainable development and food security.

Keywords: Climate variability, agricultural land use, vulnerable regions, adaptive strategies, case studies


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