1Dr. Tanuj Tayeng, 2Dr. Mayura Bijale, 3Dr. Mohanababu Ch, 4Dr. Sainath Narayan Bhavsar

Lecturer, District Institute of Education and Training, Dhemaji, Assam, India

Assistant Professor, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Assistant Professor, School of management Centurion University of Technology and Management, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Sciences and Humanities, Thakur College of Engineering and Technology,
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This study aims at analyzing the impact of smart city policies in the governance of cities, and sustainable development in India. In this paper, the technological improvements in different cities of India including Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Chennai, and Pune are compared in terms of infrastructure progress, service delivery, and the environment. The findings demonstrate the benefits of smart technologies in transport, waste, energy, and water management in public transportation. The smart city models should include the citizens in the process and integrate sustainable solutions as in the case of Pune which engages citizens in budgetary process and waste management. Possible solutions are the growth of PPP, integration of urban planning, application of IoT, development of digital infrastructure, and the involvement of the community. This research contributes to the knowledge domain on the implementation of smart cities in India and assists policymakers and other stakeholders in pursuing the path of sustainable and inclusive growth.

Keywords: Smart cities, urban governance, sustainable development, technological interventions, India


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