1Gospel Lallawmzuali, 2Caroline Akoijam, 3S. Siva Durga, 4Taranpreet Singh Ruprah, 5Dr. Samit Kumar

1*Department of Environmental Science, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram

2Department of Life Sceiences(Zoology), Manipur University, Canchipur-795003, Manipur

3Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Thiagarajar College, Madurai-625009

4Assistant Professor-CSE, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sangli

5Associate Professor Department of Chemistry AKS University Satna MP

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Pesticide residues in environmental matrices can be a key focal point for decisions on ecosystem health; knowledge of the legal limit of a compound is invaluable to any analyst. This research assesses how different hybrid MS methods Q-TOF and Orbitrap MS enhance the analysis of pesticides in various environmental samples. Many traditional MS methods have drawbacks like poor sensitivity and specificity and the inability to analyze complex samples. New Hybrid MS techniques, High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) combined with accurate mass measurement have brought a lot of improvements in these fields.Evaluation of the effectiveness of hybrid MS was done using water, soil, and spiked vegetable samples containing different pesticides. Some of the research activities included the use of experimental design to fine-tune the operational parameters; assessing the instrument’s capability for monitoring trace levels of target analytes, and comparing the analytical performances of hybrid MS with conventional MS techniques.Therefore, it is clear that the application of hybrid MS techniques improves sensitivity and increases the accuracy of analysis, which is characterized by lower detection limits and higher resolution compared to classical methods. This improvement enhancesmonitoring of pesticide contamination which is vital in policies concerning the protection of the environment and enforcement of regulations. However, hybrids of MS techniques come with issues such as high operational costs and skilled professionals to undertake the procedures. Further studies should be directed to the mentioned shortcomings and investigation of hybrid MS applications with other promising technologies to enhance the field of environmental bioanalysis.

Keywords: Hybrid Mass Spectrometry, Quadrupole-Time of Flight (Q-TOF), Pesticide Detection, Environmental Monitoring, Analytical Techniques


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