General Information on Article Processing Charges (APC)
As with any other Gold open-access journal, Green Publication operates its journals through a processing and handling fee (Article Processing Charges) received from authors. The fee utilizes in meeting the maintenance charges of the respective journal. Green Publication publishes his Gold open-access journals under the Creative Commons (CC-BY) license. This allows the scientific community and the general public unlimited access to these articles. But also to reuse the content freely on the condition that proper attribution is given to the original authors.
To cover the cost of providing a high-quality publishing service and free access to all articles, authors pay a one-time APC. The APC must be paid for manuscripts accepted after the peer-review process is completed and the article is officially accepted for publication.
There are no charges for rejected articles, no submission charges, and no additional charges based on the article length, number of figures or supplementary data. Green Publication published editorial articles (i.e. Editorials, Corrections, Additions, Retractions, Letters, Comments, etc.) without APC and are thus free of charge for authors.
Article Processing Charges (APC)
APC Discounts and Waivers
The managing editor will assess applications submitted before article submission based on the quality of the research article and the authors’ ability to pay.
When to apply for an APC Waiver?
Applying for an APC is possible in certain circumstances. The APC waiver application will only be accepted for evaluation if the author uses the APC Waiver Application Form. APC waiver range from 25% (partial waiver) until 100% (full waiver) depending on the financial circumstances of the author(s) as explained below:
- For scientists with limited financial funds (solely reserved for payment of publication fees), a (partial) waive of APC is possible when he/she can prove this financial limitation.
- For low/middle-income countries a waive of the Article Processing Charge is principally always granted (50% or 100%).
To find out if an author is eligible for an APC waiver for his/her manuscript, Green Publication uses data from the gross national income (GNI) per capita defined by the World Bank to evaluate the gross income of the application.
Income classifications by GNI per capita are for the year 2021 as follows:
Lower-middle income: $1,046 to $4,095
Upper middle income: $4,096 to $12,695
High income: $12,696 or more.
How to apply for an APC Discount/Waiver?
To request an APC Waiver Application Form, contact [email protected]. Requests for APC Waiver and discounts will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be granted in cases of financial need. All APC Discount/Waiver applications have to be made prior to or at the point of manuscript submission; requests made during the review process or after acceptance will not be considered.
APC Reimbursement policy
No refund or credit will be offered in the following circumstances:
- Article retraction: Green Publication has provided publishing services leading to the official publication of the article. The later retraction of the article due to scientific misconduct does not result in the reimbursement of the APC.
- Delays in editorial decisions or author changes: editorial decisions or author changes are part of the publishing process and are not eligible for APC reimbursement.
- Circumstances beyond our control: This may include situations where for example Green Publication is limited from fulfilling our obligations in for example natural disasters or wars.