Irene Panderi
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
Journal of Applied Bioanalysis. Vol.4. No.3. pages 62-65 (2018)
Published 15 July 2018. | (ISSN 2405-710X)

Correspondence: Panderi I. . Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Phone: +30 210 7274820; Mobile: +30 697 4015798.
Meet our Editorial Board Member: Dr. Eirini Panteri (Irene Panderi). J Appl Bioanal 4(3), 62-66 (2018).
Eirini Panteri was born on January 1967 in Greece. She graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece in 1989 and she acquired the license for the practice of pharmacist’s profession in 1990. During 1990-94 she was a scholar of the State Scholarship Foundation in Greece and conducted her PhD thesis in the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her thesis project, “Derivative UV-vis Spectrophotometry in Pharmaceutical Analysis”, focused on the analysis of drugs in pharmaceutical formulations and the analysis of drugs and metabolites in biofluids. From January 1995 till December 1997 she conducted post-doctoral research in the field of QSAR studies in the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. During 1998-2000 she was Scientific Research Associate in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece. From 1996 to 2000 she worked as a hospital pharmacist at Sotiria Chest Diseases regional Hospital in Athens, Greece.
In 2000, she was elected as a Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Analysis in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. In 2005 she was elected in a position at the rank of Assistant Professor and in 2009 she acquired tenure. In 2007 and for two months she was Visiting Professor in the Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology, Division of Molecular Biometry of Uppsala University in Sweden where she was trained in the field of proteomics by nano LC-FT ICR/MS. In 2011 she was elected as Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Analysis in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. From April 2012 till May 2013 she was visiting Professor in Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University in Providence, RI, USA where she conducted cancer research in the field of MALDI-TOF imaging mass spectrometry. In 2017 she was elected in a position at the rank of Professor of Pharmaceutical Analysis in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece.
She is a member of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, the Panhellenic Society of Pharmacists, the Panhellenic Society of Medicinal Chemistry, the Hellenic Society of Mass Spectrometry and the SCCS. From 2010 till 2013 she was a member of the Hellenic Pharmacopoeia Committee at the National Organization of Medicines in Greece. During 2011-2013 she was a member of Committees in the Hellenic Accreditation System. From 2015 till 2016 she was external expert of the Scientific Society on Consumers Safety (SCCS) working group on Methodology, Hair Dyes and Cosmetic Ingredients. Since 2015 she is a member of the secondary positive list committee of reimbursed drugs at the National Organization of Medicines in Greece. From April 2016 to the present she is member of the SCCS and she participates in the working groups of Cosmetic Ingredients, Nanomaterials and methodology(
Dr. Panteri has over 20 year’s experience in leading research in the fields of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Analytical Chemistry developing analytical methods for the analysis of drugs, metabolites and bioactive compounds in pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals, biological fluids, and human tissues ). These methods are applied to clinical testing, toxicology studies, doping control, and quality control of drugs. Her educational activities include undergraduate and postgraduate courses and laboratories in Pharmaceutical Analysis, Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis, Analytical Chemistry, Separation Techniques, Clinical Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Law and Mass Spectrometry.
Dr. Panteri is author and co-author of 68 original research articles in peer reviewed journals, more than 15 opinions in International Journals, 8 reviews and chapters in scientific books with H-index 21 (Scopus May 2018,, Scopus Author ID:6603892060). She has participated in the translation of the book “Pharmaceutical Analysis: A textbook for Pharmacy Students and Pharmaceutical Chemists”, Elsevier and she has been a co-author in several opinions of the SCCS. Publications of Dr. Panteri include also a book note in Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis, Athens 2015. She has supervised 2 completed PhD thesis, more than 40 completed MSc theses and 8 completed dissertation thesis and she is supervisor in 8 ongoing MSc theses, 4 ongoing PhD theses and three ongoing dissertation thesis. She is member of the editorial board in three scientific journals and she has served as a reviewer of more than 300 scientific articles in 29 international scientific journals (
Her research interests include:
- Development and validation of chromatographic methods for the quantification and identification of drugs, endogenous substances in pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals and biofluids.
- Quality control of pharmaceutical substances, stability studies, binding studies of drugs with biomolecules by HPLC.
- Development and validation of LC-iontrap MS, LC-oaTOF-MS and LC-QTOF-MS for the doping control analysis in urine.
- Studies of the effect of the use of new substrates in reversed phase liquid chromatography (porous graphitized carbon, hybrid organic/inorganic particles, and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography).
- MALDI imaging mass spectrometry of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and fresh frozen tissue section samples for cancer research.
- Sample acquisition and multivariate data analysis of MALDI IMS spectra.
- Stability and enzyme kinetic studies in pharmaceuticals using high-performance liquid chromatography.
- Drug analysis in biological fluids using fluorescence derivatization reactions and high-performance liquid chromatography.
- LC-ESI/MS and LC-APCI/MS analysis of drugs in biofluids targeting application to bioequivalence studies.
- Chromatography of peptides.
She has established collaboration with several research groups within Greek, European and USA universities. She has also been member of several organizing and scientific committee of scientific conferences. Since 2017 Eirini Panteri is the Director of the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analysis in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece.
Selected publications
1. Panderi I, Parissi-Poulou M, Second-order derivative spectrophotometric determination of naproxen in the presence of its metabolite in human plasma. Analyst 119, 697-701 (1994). [CrossRef]
2. Parissi-Poulou M, Panderi I, Determination of hyoscine n-butyl bromide, lidocaine hydrochloride and paracetamol in injection forms using solid-phase extraction, high-performance liquid chromatography and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. J Liq Chromatogr 22(7), 1055-1068 (1999). [CrossRef]
3. Mitakos A, Panderi I. A validated high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of clopidogrel in pharmaceutical preparations. J Pharm Biomed Anal 28(3-4), 431-438 (2002). [CrossRef]
4. Panderi I, Gerakis A, Zonaras V, Athanasiou L, Kazanis M. Development and validation of a liquid chromatography- electrospray ionization mass spectrometric method for the determination of dexamethasone in sheep plasma. Anal Chim Acta 504(2), 299-306 (2004). [CrossRef]
5. Zaxariou M, Panderi I. Development and validation of a high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of buspirone in pharmaceutical preparations. J Pharm Biomed Anal 35(1), 41-50 (2004). [CrossRef]
6. Pistos C, Koutsopoulou M, Panderi I. Validated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of mirtazapine and demethylmirtazapine in human plasma: application to a pharmacokinetic study. Anal Chim Acta 514 (1), 15-26 (2004). [CrossRef]
7. Pistos C, Atta-Politou J, Panderi I. Liquid chromatography-positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry method for the quantification of citalopram in human plasma. J Chromatogr B 810(2), 235-244,(2004). [CrossRef]
8. Valavani P, Atta-Politou J, Panderi I. Development and validation of a liquid chromatographic/electrospray ionization mass spectrometric method for the quantitation of prazepam and its main metabolites in human plasma. J Mass Spectrom 40(4), 516-526 (2005). [CrossRef]
9. Pistos C, Koutsopoulou M, Panderi I. Liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric determination of trandolapril in human plasma. Anal Chim Acta 540 (2), 375-382 (2005). [CrossRef]
10. Pistos C, Koutsopoulou M, Panderi I. Improved liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric determination and pharmacokinetic study of glimepiride in human plasma. Biomed Chromatogr 19(5), 394-401 (2005). [CrossRef]
11. Vonaparti A, Kazanis M, Panderi I. Development and validation of a liquid chromatographic/ electrospray ionization mass spectrometric method for the determination of benazepril, benazeprilat and hydrochlorothiazide in human plasma. J Mass Spectrometry 41, 593-605 (2006). [CrossRef]
12. Kalovidouris M, Michalea S, Robola N, Koutsopoulou M, Panderi I. Ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of lercanidipine in human plasma. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 20, 2939-2946 (2006). [CrossRef]
13. Malli D, Gikas E, Vavagiannis A, Kazanis M, Daniilides K, Gennimata D, Panderi I. Determination of nateglinide in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with pre-column derivatization using a coumarin-type fluorescent reagent. Anal Chim Acta 599 (1), 143-150 (2007). [CrossRef]
14. Vonaparti A, Lyris E, Panderi I, Koupparis M, Georgakopoulos C. Direct injection LC/ESI-MS horse urine analysis for the quantification and identification of threshold substances for doping control. I. Determination of hydrocortisone. J Mass Spectrom 43, 1255-1264 (2008). [CrossRef]
15. Vonaparti A, Lyris E, Panderi I, Koupparis M, Georgakopoulos C. Direct injection horse urine analysis for the quantification and confirmation of threshold substances for doping control. III Determination of salicylic acid by liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Anal Bioanal Chem 395, 1403-1410 (2009). [CrossRef]
16. Koufopantelis P, Georgakakou S, Kazanis M, Giaginis C, Margeli A, Papargiri S, Panderi I. Direct injection liquid chromatography/positive ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometric quantification of methotrexate, folinic acid, folic acid and ondansetron in human serum. J Chromatogr B 877(30), 3850-3856 (2009). [CrossRef]
17. Vonaparti A, Lyris E, Panderi I, Koupparis M, Georgakopoulos C. Direct injection horse-urine analysis for the quantification and confirmation of threshold substances for doping control. Determination of 3-methoxytyramine by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography/ quadrapole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Drug Test Anal 1, 365-371 (2009). [CrossRef]
18. Georgakakou S, Kazanis M, Panderi I. Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography /positive ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry method for the quantification of perindopril and its main metabolite in human plasma. Anal Bioanal Chem 397(6), 2161-217 (2010). [CrossRef]
19. Vonaparti A, Lyris E, Angelis YS, Panderi I, Koupparis M, Tsantili-Kakoulidou A, Peters RJ, Nielsen MW, Georgakopoulos C. Preventive doping control screening analysis of prohibited substances in human urine using rapid resolution liquid chromatography / high resolution time of flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 24 (11), 1595-1609 (2010). [CrossRef]
20. Kalogria E, Koupparis M, Panderi I. A Porous Graphitized Carbon HPLC Method For The Quantification Of Paracetamol, Pseudoephedrine And Chlorpheniramine In Pharmaceutical Formulations. J AOAC Int 93(4), 1093-1101 (2010).
21. Papagianni P, Varvaresou A, Papageorgiou S, Panderi I. Development and validation of an ion-pair RP-HPLC method for the determination of oligopeptide-20 in cosmeceuticals. J Pharm Biomed Anal 56(3), 645-649 (2011). [CrossRef]
22. Pligoropoulou H, Vonaparti A, Panderi I. Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography/positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry for the quantification of deferasirox, an oral iron chelator in human plasma. J Chromatogr B 893–894, 114-120 (2012). [CrossRef]
23. Kalogria E, Pistos C, Panderi I. Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography/positive ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry method for the quantification of alprazolam and -hydroxy-alprazolam in human plasma. J Chromatogr B 942-943, 158-164 (2013). [CrossRef]
24. Guo L, Panderi I, Yan DD, Szulak K, Li Y, Chen YT, Ma H, Niesen DB, Seeram N, Ahmed A, Yan B, Pantazatos D, Lu W. A Comparative Study of Hollow Copper Sulfide Nanoparticles and Hollow Gold Nanospheres on Degradability and Toxicity. ACS Nano 7(10), 8780–8793 (2013). [CrossRef]
25. Kakouris A, Samara V, Kalaskani A, Panderi I. Simultaneous Determination of Impurities in Ropinirole Tablets by an Improved HPLC Method Coupled with Diode Array Detection. Chromatographia 77(5-6), 447-457 (2014). [CrossRef]
26. Karvelis D, Kalogria E, Panderi I. A stability-indicating HPLC method for the quantification of aliskiren and hydrochlorothiazide in pharmaceutical formulations. J AOAC Int 97(6),1519-1525 (2014). [CrossRef]
27. Kalogria E, Varvaresou A, Papageorgiou S, Protopapa E, Tsaknis I, Matikas A, Panderi I. Pre-Column Derivatization HPLC Procedure for the Quantitation of Aluminium Chlorohydrate in Antiperspirant Creams Using Quercetin as Chromogenic Reagent. Chromatographia 77(19-20), 1275-1281 (2014). [CrossRef]
28. Meimaroglou S, Vonaparti A, Migias G, Gennimata D, Poulou S, Panderi I. Direct injection human plasma analysis for the quantification of antihypertensive drugs for therapeutic drug monitoring using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography/ electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B 1004, 1-9 (2015). [CrossRef]
29. Panderi I, Malamos Y. Machairas G, Zaharaki S. Investigation of the retention mechanism of cephalosporins by zwitterionic hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography. Chromatographia 79(15-16), 995-1002 (2016). [CrossRef]
30. Panderi I, Yakirevich E, Papagerakis S, Noble L, Lombardo K, Pantazatos D. Differentiating tumor heterogeneity in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) prostate adenocarcinoma tissues using principal component analysis of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectral data. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 31 (2), 160–170 (2017). [CrossRef]
31. Panderi I, Perez K, Cao L, Noble L, Lombardo K, Walsh TJ, Pantazatos D. Assessment of molecular differentiation in FFPE colon adenocarcinoma tissues using PCA analysis of MALDI IMS spectral data. J Appl Bioanal 3(4), 81-97 (2017). [CrossRef]
32. Kiriazopoulos E, Zaharaki S, Vonaparti A, Vourna P, Panteri-Petratou E, Gennimata D, Lombardo K, Panderi I. Quantification of three beta-lactam antibiotics in breast milk and human plasma by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography/positive-ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Drug Test Anal 9(7), 1062–1072 (2017). [CrossRef]
33. Raikou V, Varvaresou A, Panderi I, Papageorgiou E. The efficacy study of the combination of tripeptide‐10‐citrulline and acetyl hexapeptide‐3. A prospective, randomized controlled study. J Cosm Dermatol 16(2), 271–278 (2017). [CrossRef]
34. Bernauer U, Bodin L, Chaudhry Q, Coenraads P, Dusinska M, Ezendam E, Galli, CL, Granum B, Panteri E, Rogiers V, Rousselle C, Stepnik M, Vanhaecke T, Wijnhoven S, Rogiers V. Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) – Final version of the Opinion on Vitamin A (retinol, retinyl acetate and retinyl palmitate) in cosmetic products. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 84, 102-104 (2017). [CrossRef]
35. Tsopelas F, Tsagkrasouli M, Poursanidis P, Pitsaki M, Vasios G, Danias P, Panderi I, Tsantili- Kakoulidou A, Giaginis C. Retention behavior of flavonoids on Immobilized Artificial Membrane Chromatography and correlation with cell- based permeability, Biomed Chromatogr 32(3), e4108 (2018). [CrossRef]
36. Machairas G, Panderi I, Geballa-Koukoula A, Rozou S, Antonopoulos N, Charitos C, Vonaparti A. Development and validation of a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for the quantitation of impurities in fixed-dose combination tablets containing rosuvastatin and metformin. Talanta 183, 131-141 (2018). [CrossRef]
37. Giannakou M, Varvaresou A, Kiriazopoulos E, Papageorgiou S, Kavvalou E, Tsirivas E, Panderi I. Quantification of oligopeptide‐20 and oligopeptide‐24 in cosmetic creams using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, SSC Plus 1(3), 159-167 (2018). [CrossRef]
38. Geballa-Koukoula A, Panderi I, Zervas K, Geballa-Koukoulas K, Kavvalou E, Panteri-Petratou E, Vourna P, Gennimata D. A porous graphitized carbon LC-ESI/MS method for the quantitation of metronidazole and fluconazole in breast milk and human plasma, J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 1084, 175-184 (2018). [CrossRef]
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