All submitted manuscripts to Journal of Applied Bioanalysis are after passing the first editorial screening checked on their originality by Similarity Check (formerly CrossCheck) using iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is using someone else’s work or ideas without attributing proper credit and presenting the work or ideas as your own. It is considered an academic violation, though it is not illegal in a criminal or civil sense. When someone commits plagiarism, the act is against the author of the work.

How does the Plagiarism Check work?

iThenticate software compares submitted documents to extensive data repositories to create a comprehensive Similarity Report, which highlights and provides links to any significant text matches, helping to ensure that the author(s) have submitted an original and well-attributed document.

More information on plagiarism and penalties in academic scholarly publishing can be found at these websites here: