Roland J.W. Meesters
Journal of Applied Bioanalysis. Vol.7. No.1. pages 1-3 (2021)
Published 15 January 2021. | (ISSN 2405-710X)

Correspondence: Meesters RJW. .
Meesters RJ. Welcome to the seventh Volume of the Journal of Applied Bioanalysis. J Appl Bioanal 7(1), 1-3 (2021).
Funding & Manuscript writing assistance: The author has no financial support or funding to report and author also declares that no writing assistance was utilized in the production of this article.
Competing interests: The author has declared that no competing interest exist.
On behalf of all editorial board members from the Journal of Applied Bioanalysis, I welcome you to the journal’s seventh volume. I’ll start this foreword article by taking the opportunity to wish all of you a healthy and successful 2021. A special “thank you” is going out to all authors, and reviewers, and members of the journal’s editorial board for their continued professional support. I hope that the year 2021 will hold for your success and good fortune in any endeavor you will pursue in 2021. I’ll like to use this foreword article to reflect on the last year, which was for us an important year since heaving reached the journal’s sixth anniversary.
Journal of Applied Bioanalysis facts
The Journal of Applied Bioanalysis aims to publish high-quality articles presenting recent developments and applications in bioanalysis. In contrast, to other journals in the area of bioanalysis (bioanalytical chemistry), all articles in are published with the Open Access option (CC BY). The journal has the lowest APC fee (470 Euros)( of all journals publishing in the field of bioanalytical chemistry. In an era that open science and freely available scientific information are becoming more important, as more demanding, the Journal of Applied Bioanalysis is continuously supporting Open Access for the past six years. The journal will keep doing this for many years to come. Currently, the meantime from manuscript submission to first decision in the is about 18-25 days. The mean time from manuscript submission to a final decision is less than 45 days, which is attributed to the rapid editorial processing of the papers upon receipt of the manuscript.
Demographics of author and reader audience
The journal’s website received in 2020 significant more article views and downloads, the annual article views and downloads increased in 2020 by 261% compared to received article views and downloads in 2019. The majority of the article views and downloads were from visitors located in Europe (33%) and Asia (32%) while last year‘s majority of the article views and downloads came from the Americas (37.2%). In 2020, article views and downloads originating from the Americas counted in total for 30% of the views and downloads. This was a decrease of 7% in views and downloads compared to 2019. The majority of the article views and downloads came from visitors using desktop computers (76%), mobile views counted for 22%, and article views and downloads using a Tablet counted for only 2% of the total annual article views and downloads.
The journal’s presence on social media
Social media has been also in 2020 a great tool for informing and keeping authors and the bioanalysis community up-to-date on new technological developments, journal related news, the conduct of surveys, announcements of upcoming webinars, and many more, and at last but not least for reaching out to bioanalytical scientists interested in the exciting field of bioanalysis. The journal and publisher are active on social media platforms like LinkedIn (Betasciencepress Publishing;, Twitter (@JABeditor), and on Facebook. Using different social media platforms provided the journal with the possibility to reach out to social media followers with the latest journal updates, news, or other interesting information related to bioanalysis.
Special focused issues: call for proposals
The journal invites also in 2021 scientists and scholars active in the field of Bioanalysis to submit a proposal for a special focused issue. The purpose of special focused issues is to provide the bioanalysis community with a collection of articles on a specific topic. Ideally, the topic should not have been covered substantially by the journal recently. The proposal should also have and present a great potential of being of high interest to the bioanalysis community, for more information,
For this year’s seventh volume of the Journal of Applied Bioanalysis, deadlines for the submission of special focused issue proposals are due on May 1, 2021 and October 1, 2021. Proposals will be competitively evaluated by the journal’s senior editorial team. Please send your proposal or inquiries you have about special focused issues and proposals to the editorial office ([email protected]). The editorial office can also provide a brochure regarding requirements for providing successful special issue proposals.
Demographics of author and reader audience
The journal’s website received in 2019 significant more article views/downloads, the annual article views/downloads increased by 32 % compared to views/downloads obtained in 2018.
The Journal of Applied Bioanalysis has experienced a continued growth of views/downloads from around the globe. The majority of the article views/downloads originated from visitors located in the Americas (37.2%) and Europe (29.9%) while also article views/downloads from other continents were observed while the majority of the article views/downloads are still coming from visitors using desktop computers (77.7%). Mobile views count for 20.3% and tablet for only 2.0% of the article views/downloads.
Thank you to the Reviewers in 2020
The aim of the Journal of Applied Bioanalysis is the publication of excellent research work from all the different areas of Bioanalysis. The journal’s responsibility toward the scientific community is to ensure that all contributions accepted for publication are rigorously but fairly reviewed in a timely manner. For this reason, all manuscripts are reviewed by expert referees. Reviewers give valuable constructive criticism to the author’s manuscript but also important guidance to editors. The input and dedication of all our reviewers are highly appreciated. I gratefully acknowledge the valuable support and dedication of the following reviewers who have reviewed one or more papers for the Journal of Applied Bioanalysis in 2020:
Arun, AB
Buko, A
Chen, Y-L
Chen, L
Cleveland, D
Eangoor, P
Fan, L
Houser, D
Ji, Q
Khan, MS
Kataoka, H
Kellie, J
Liang, D
Lin, Z
Locatelli, M
Mekhssian, K
Mekhssian, K
Niu, T
Orf, I
Pang, Y
Ramadass, V
Samanidou, V
Schwab, T
Shapiro, M
Singh, R
Spiess, C
Tarro, G
Torsetnes, S
Wang, J
Wei, R
Weng, N
Xu, R
I am thankful for the professional and dedicated support of all authors, editorial board members, and reviewers, and thank all very much, knowing that without your support the sixth volume of the Journal of Applied Bioanalysis would not have been possible. I look forward to working with you again in 2021.
Dr. Roland J.W. Meesters
Editor-in-Chief Journal of Applied Bioanalysis
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